Halifax Ashtanga Yoga Shala

Leanne Whiting - Yoga Teacher


– Born in Scarborough, Ontario, Leanne grew up in Halifax. With a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Child & Youth Studies from Mount St. Vincent University, and a BEd (Primary/Junior) from the University of Ottawa, Leanne has been working as a primary school teacher for over 8 years. With a natural aptitude for teaching, there is no surprise in Leanne’s incorporation of yoga into her educational practices—teaching the principles of yoga both in and out of the classroom. Leanne started practicing yoga in Hong Kong in 2003 when she sought means for injury prevention while participating in intense outdoor sports training. Leanne was introduced to Hatha and Power yoga, but is now a dedicated Anusara practitioner and teacher. It is the principles of alignment of Anusara yoga, combined with acrobatics, and Thai massage that create Leanne’s unique Acro Yoga class. She has trained with Patrick Creelman and Sianna Shermann, and has participated in workshops with John Friend, Jenny Sauer-Klein & Jason Nemer. She now teaches yoga full-time leading ongoing yoga classes for children and youth, athletic teams and groups. An important part of Leanne’s practice is the therapeutic element that she weaves into her teaching.

[email protected]

Leanne's full bio & gallery


Leanne teaches:

Yoga & Acrobatic fusion - Mondays 8:00 - 9:30pm