Halifax Ashtanga Yoga Shala

Leanne Whiting - Yoga Teacher

– Born in Scarborough, Ontario, Leanne grew up in Halifax. With a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Child & Youth Studies from Mount St. Vincent University, and a Bachelor of Education (Primary/Junior) from the University of Ottawa, Leanne has been working as a primary school teacher for over 8 years. With a natural aptitude for teaching, there is no surprise in Leanne’s incorporation of yoga into her educational practices. “I found that I was teaching the foundations of Yoga both in and out of the classroom. I am drawn to the healing elements of the physical practice, and the heart quality elements that it entails to help us live in freedom and peace.”

Leanne started practicing yoga in 2003, while living in Hong Kong and training vigorously for adventure races, open water swims, and outrigger canoeing races. The intense training led to frequent injuries and Leanne began to seek avenues for healing and injury prevention. A friend and training-mate suggested that Leanne join her in a yoga class. “I continued to go to the classes and found it was a great balance in my life both physically and mentally.” Leanne began to use yoga as a tool for healing her body, and a way to slow down, let go, and unwind. Leanne was introduced to Hatha and Power yoga, but is now a dedicated Anusara practitioner and teacher. It is the principles of alignment of Anusara yoga, combined with acrobatics, and Thai massage that create Leanne’s unique Acro Yoga class.

Having trained with Patrick Creelman and Sianna Shermann, as well as having participated in workshops with John Friend, Jenny Sauer-Klein & Jason Nemer, Leanne now teaches yoga full-time. She leads ongoing yoga classes for children and youth, athletic teams and groups. An important part of Leanne’s practice is the therapeutic element that she weaves into her teaching. In her spare time, Leanne likes to swim, run, hike, study and play outside. She is grateful for the opportunity to practice with and teach the dedicated yogis and yoginis in the beautiful space and community of The Shala. She believes that yoga is an ongoing practice and journey, both on and off of the mat. “I continue to study and practice based on the Tantric philosophies of yoga. Through these philosophies, I use yoga as a daily reminder of the beauty that surrounds me. Yoga continues to remind me to live each day to its fullest, and to be in the continuous flow of the ongoing currents of Grace.”


