Halifax Ashtanga Yoga Shala

Student’s guide to practice

A few things you should know to enhance your learning and practice of Yoga.



  • Remove your shoes at the door, we practice in our bare feet.
  • Turn the ringer on your cell phone off; better yet, leave it in your car.
  • Come to practice with an empty stomach (unless a specific condition prevents this).
  • Keep water bottles out of the studio. We do not drink water during Ashtanga practice (unless a specific condition prevents this).
  • Be early to class. All classes will begin on time and late entry will not be permitted. The Shala respects all students and will not disturb your class in progress by admitting a late arrival.
  • Do not enter the class during the invocation chant. Wait until it is over and then quietly enter.
  • Bring your own yoga mat as it is more hygienic. We do have rental mats for $2.
  • Wear clothing that is comfortable, easy to move in, and does not gape open when you bend forward.
  • No experience or flexibility is required to practice yoga. Yoga is for everyone.
  • Ask questions about anything that is not clear to you. You may ask during class when appropriate, or after class.
  • Refrain from wearing perfume or cologne as some individuals are sensitive.
  • If you have a health issue (illness, injury, pregnancy, or medical condition), please notify your teacher before the class. Not every pose is appropriate for everyone.
  • Let go of the competitive mind-set. Yoga is noncompetitive.
  • Be kind and loving to yourself by accepting where you are in your practice. It is ok to come out of a pose before the teacher says to. "no pain, no gain" has no place in yoga. Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are.
  • Stay for the entire class. If you need to leave early, tell the teacher beforehand and exit before final relaxation.
